A visit to Pir Ghaib Waterfall

It was the month of July, when we friends made a plan to visit a place where we can beat the heat and spend our day in peace and calmness. So, there was no better option option to visit other than Peer Ghaib, an amazingly beautiful waterfall in surroundings of quetta. It was a low cost trip. Early in the morning we started our trip in a mehran car. It was quite a jolly ride. After a ride of approximately one and half our we reached our destination. The place was mesmerizing and majestic. The waterfall was divided into portions. I had brought a life jacket with myself as i could not swim in deep waters. The water was so cool and beautiful. 

B.B.Q added more fun and enjoyment to our already a happy day.

I myself wish to revisit it again and I recommend everyone to visit this majestically beautiful place in summers. As quetta and Balochistan are having a very hot climate now a days. Peer Ghaib is a reasonable spot to visit now. But be careful of its deep waters. Many people are said to be drowned here. Remember Life comes first always.

This is my first blog. Do give your opinion about my blog in comments section.


  1. Keep going buddy and wish u all da best. Too much happy to see different shades of Balochistan. Keep us updated and fresh us with your majestic photography in Balochistan. Thumbsup

  2. Wow it’s really great blog, & the place is great to spend a holiday there, inshallah I will visit this place some day as soon as possible , your blog make me desire to visit this place, I really like what you are doing, keep up good work , wishing you all the best ,but please don’t stop sharing new blogs I will be waiting for your other blogs

  3. Great blog. 👍🏻 This place looks amazingly beautiful.


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