Foods of Balochistan
kaak or kurnoo-lamp of wheat wrapped around a rock and cooked around fire. This roti is to be eaten with freshly cooked meat like Sajji or Dampukht. Khadi Kabbab -Khadi Kabbab serves as another version of the very famous Balochi Sajji. The whole lamb is stuffed inside the ground and covered while it cooks itself out. KHRUD -khrud is used in number of dishes in Balochistan 'usually with Tereeth. It is actually dry salty yogurt ,used to salt up dishes. Roosh -Mutton Roosh comes from Pashtoon belts of Balochistan. One of the most famous food items, it is lamb joints served with Yakhni, Dall , Phindi and lassi. Chilanch-chilanch is two or three coloured dessert item , made up of kheer and jelly. The fun bit is that its eaten with roti and onion Writer HAZAR KHAN MENGAL from Noshki jadeed district jaffarabad Balochistan Pakistan